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60 Feb 2012 Down off Willstone..JPG

Advice to Walkers

Guidelines for walking with the group

As an individual you walk at your own risk and you should ensure that you are fit to undertake the walk that you are planning to do. If you have health problems it may be advisable to consult with your doctor first. The terrain of any walk will vary considerably and you are advised to contact the leader for precise details. The walk secretary will also have all the information.

To enjoy the countryside while we walk we aim to maintain a steady pace. Leaders wherever possible will appoint a back marker but we strive to look after everyone in the group as we go along. Sometimes the leader will have permission from a pub landlord to eat packed lunches in their garden and it is a courtesy to buy a drink.

It is always advisable to check with the leader 24 hours before as the walk may be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

As a club we are required to have Public Liability Insurance to cover claims such as damage incurred by us to landowner's property or livestock. Therefore it is important that we make sure that each member is aware that we have to follow the country code.

For all new members we set out a few guidelines that we hope you will find helpful.

  • The start time for the walk is the time we set off.

  • Aim to arrive at least 20 minutes before to allow time for ‘booting up'.

  • Dogs are not allowed on our walks.

  • Appropriate footwear is essential to avoid injury, boots, unless advised otherwise by the leader.

  • It is generally advisable to carry waterproofs as our weather can be unpredictable.

  • Always carry plenty of food and water, the best planned walks sometimes get delayed.

  • Do not walk ahead of the leader unless instructed to do so.

  • Keep to the line of the path when walking through crops.

  • You are responsible for the person behind you, if the leader changes direction, make sure the person behind you is aware.

  • If the leader encounters a gate he will shout ‘gate open' or ‘gate shut'. This message should always be relayed to the back of the group.

  • If the group is spread out make sure the gates are shut between each group passing through as there may be livestock which could escape.

  • If a gate is locked always climb over the hinge end as this is the strongest part of the gate.

  • On country lanes please keep to the right facing the oncoming traffic unless the leader has asked you to cross over before a blind right hand bend.

  • Finally, please take your litter home to ensure that other walkers can enjoy the countryside.

Grading of walks (Short & Longer walks)

Precise information about a walk should always be obtained from the leader or walk secretary 24 hours before the walk. All walks may include the need to climb stiles, gates or other obstacles. There will be areas of rough ground, gravel, rocky outcrops, the occasional stream and plenty of mud. Adverse weather conditions can markedly increase the difficulty of the walk on the day and we would STRONGLY recommend walking boots and warm, waterproof clothing on all walks.



Walks for reasonably fit people with at least a little country walking experience, easy walking along field tracks, lanes and paths with no steep climbs or descents. Pace will depend on the gradient and the slowest walker in the group.



Walks for people with country walking experience and a good level of fitness, may include some steep paths and open country with a more brisk pace.



More challenging walks for experienced country walkers with an above average fitness level, may include hills and rough country and

you should expect steeper and more sustained ascents and descents, may be at a brisk pace.


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